Five natural ingredients that protect your clothes from fading

It's so frustrating when your white laundry comes out of the machine with a slight pink hue thanks to that single red sock that found its way into the washer. Or when your darks or colors end up faded and dull. There are countless tricks out there on how to keep your whites looking white, but not as much information is available on how to protect your colors. Try some of these tips to make sure your wardrobe continues to shine like the rainbow.

Black pepper

Add a teaspoon of ground black pepper to your wash along with your normal detergent. Add it to the main compartment, not to a detergent drawer and then run the coldest cycle. The pepper works like a light sandpaper, removing any residual soap from your clothes. That's usually the reason the colors fade in the first place.



Add a few teaspoons of salt to your wash for a similar effect. This will prevent the soap from sticking to the fibers, allowing them to radiate in their full brilliance.



Vinegar is also an amazing way to remove damaging soap residue. It also simultaneously works as a natural fabric softener. Try adding a cup of white vinegar to your wash, and don't worry, the smell will disappear when your clothes dry.



Alternatively, you could add lemon juice. Even your most faded clothes could come back to life with this powerful juice.

70 lemons' worth of vitamin C


Of course, there is also the option of using coffee or black tea as a natural dye for dark clothing. Brew two cups of your beverage of choice and add them to the wash (not in the detergent drawer). Remember to double check that you only have black clothing in the wash — this is not meant for bright colors.

White Mug, Black Coffee Carafe Warmer

It's great that all five of these ingredients are easily found in most homes and are affordable to purchase. Try them for yourself to find out which works best!


PureWow, barcoo


Also hefty