Treat your feet: Eliminate bunions & alleviate pain with 4 simple home remedies

While most people won't make it public knowledge that they're struggling with unseemly podiatry problems, feet issues are actually quite common. When discussing a bunion in layman's terms, it's usually described as a "bump" on the side of the foot, but it's actually much more than just a harmless, cosmetic malformation. Officially known as hallux valgus, a bunion is the result of a medial deviation of the first metatarsal and lateral deviation of the great toe. When the big toe bends in this way towards the other toes, the tendons and ligaments gradually become distorted over time. If left untreated, it can become very uncomfortable and extremely painful, and may even require corrective surgery depending on the severity. Here we show you how you can alleviate the discomfort and do something nice for your feet.


But what causes bunions? Some people are just higher-risk cases, especially if it runs in the family, but it's usually due to wearing shoes that are too tight. As the toes are squeezed over time, the big toe has a tendency to "shift" in even further. Ill-fitting footwear should be avoided at all costs!

It's also important to note that the situation will not get better on its own; on the contrary, it will just get worse. If your feet already hurt, there are several ways to relieve the pain:

  • Only wear shoes that leave enough space for the toes, especially when wearing high-heeled shoes or tight sandals
  • Apply soft padding to the painful area to relieve pressure
  • Sit down regularly and elevate your legs 

As long as your bunions have not yet advanced to the stage of needing corrective surgery, there are several natural remedies that can be used to counteract the painful symptoms:

1. Olive Oil

Heat some olive oil and gently massage it on the afflicted foot, preferably twice a day for about 15 minutes. Massage supports blood circulation and ensures that the joint fluid flows better. This reduces calcium deposits and the bunion can slowly begin to subside.

Herbed Olive Oil

2. Castor Oil
Castor oil contains anti-inflammatory ingredients that can help relieve pain and swelling. Heat the castor oil in a pan, allow it to cool slightly (so you don't burn yourself) and then dip a clean rag or bandage wrap into the oil. Now wrap the material around your foot and cover everything with a towel to trap in the heat, which stimulates blood circulation. Repeat the process up to three times a day until the pain subsides.
My foot all wrapped up at the podiatrist office

3. Epsom Salts

Epsom salts, also known as magnesium sulfate, has great analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Dissolve approximately 3½ oz of Epsom salts in a bucket of hot water and soak your feet for 20 minutes at a time. If you do this twice a day, the salt will gradually reduce the calcium in your joints and the bunion will begin to shrink.

Foot bath

4. Red Chili Peppers

Red chili peppers contain capsaicin, which has a calming effect on the blood vessels. Capsaicin dilates the blood vessels and regenerates the foot by delivering more oxygen to the area, thus reducing the size of the bunion. To reap the benefits, cut a chili pepper in half and apply the juice to the bunion. Rub a little bit of vaseline on the area and bandage your foot with a clean wrap. Do this twice a day, and don't forget to thoroughly wash your hands afterwards! 

red pepper

Additional Relief: Ice Pack

If you don't have an ice pack, you can make your own by filling a sealable plastic bag with ice cubes and applying to your foot. Wrap a thin layer of fabric, such as a towel, around the ice pack before applying it to your skin. This process can be repeated several times a day to reduce pain and swelling. 

Ice pack

If you follow all these instructions and regularly treat your tootsies with the kind of care they deserve, your bunions will feel better in no time! However, should the symptoms worsen or persist for more than two weeks, make an appointment to see your doctor as soon as possible as there might be some underlying issues.


David Wolfe,


Also hefty