Blind man produces beautiful art

John Bramblitt has been suffering from epileptic fits since his childhood. Even at a young age, these episodes resulted in John temporarily losing his sight. When he was 11, John sadly became completely blind. Despite this, the Texan was able to hold onto one passion from his formative years — art. As you'll see, John hasn't let his disability get in the way of producing some truly breathtaking paintings...

Facebook/John Bramblitt

His illness (epilepsy) made him blind at the age of 11.

Facebook/John Bramblitt

But his memories of light and color have remained deep inside his consciousness.

Facebook/John Bramblitt

That's why he still knows when he needs to use which color to achieve the desired effect.

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Bramblitt can even "feel" different color tones. He takes a very meticulous approach ...

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... and uses his hands to determine the consistency and make-up of each type of paint.

Facebook/John Bramblitt

"Titanium white is very thick like toothpaste while ivory black is fairly runny — more like oil. In order to mix a gray halfway between white and black you simply mix for a texture that is halfway between the thick and thin paints," said John.

Facebook/John Bramblitt

John organizes regular exhibitions of his work and takes home a very respectable profit. In any case, it's enough for him to buy new paint and canvas.

Facebook/John Bramblitt

His signet is two crossed out circles, representing the special way in which he paints. What an excellent artist!

Facebook/John Bramblitt

Despite his handicap, this man has been able to remain faithful to his passion. You can even say that John has perfected his skill. Great work!


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