How to slice bananas quickly and efficiently

Are you craving a tasty fruit salad but don't want to do all the slicing? Then this might be a helpful trick for you: At least your bananas will be ready at lightening speed!

Grab a bowl and place a clean oven rack on top of it.


Now peel half of the banana lengthwise.

Tip: it's actually easier to peel a banana from the bottom up (like monkey's do) instead of using the longer stem like most people.


Now press the banana against the rack with the open side facing down.


You can see how easy it is from below.


This technique also works with other soft produce like avocados.


In no time at all, your bananas are ready for that salad or your morning cereal.


Well, you can't do it will all types of fruit, but it is a handy way to quickly slice a banana into even pieces. It's also a good idea for kids if you don't want them cutting with a knife. After slicing, you can quickly clean the rack off with a moist sponge and it'll be good to go.


Also hefty