4 Fun & Easy Rice Krispies Treats You Can Make At Home

We all loved Rice Krispies cereal growing up, and everyone knows the best after-school snack was a homemade Rice Krispies treat. If you want to relive your childhood with a modern twist, try out these 4 fun recipes that take Rice Krispies to a whole new level – talk about snap, crackle, and pop!

1. Watermelon Rice Krispies Pops

You'll Need:

  • Rice Krispies cereal 
  • marshmallows
  • red & green food coloring


  • microwave
  • oil or butter
  • silicone mold
  • chocolate chips
  • popsicle sticks

Here's How:

1.1 Microwave the marshmallows for 40 seconds. Divide the melted mass between two equally-sized bowls.

1.2 Color one bowl red and the other bowl green. Add Rice Krispies to the bowls and mix well.

1.3 Grease your hands with butter or oil, form a ring out of the green Rice Krispies, and place it along the inner edge of a round silicone mold.

1.4 Make a circle with the red Rice Krispies, place it in the middle of the mold, and flatten everything so the top is smooth.

1.5 Remove the silicone mold. Sprinkle a few chocolate chips on top of the red Rice Krispies, cut the circle into 8 even slices, and stick a popsicle stick in each slice. Let the Rice Krispies sit for about 30 minutes or until stable.

2. Rice Krispies Turkey Legs

You'll Need:

  • Rice Krispies cereal 
  • marshmallows
  • brown food coloring
  • melted white chocolate
  • white Pocky sticks

Here's How: 

2.1 Melt the marshmallows in the microwave and color them with brown food coloring. Mix in the Rice Krispies, grease your hands with butter or oil and form an egg-shaped oval.

2.2 Stick a white Pocky stick into the "egg."

2.3 Dip the Pocky stick in melted white chocolate. Form another smaller brown ball and "glue" it to the other end of the stick.

2.4 Dip the small brown ball and some of the Pocky stick into the melted white chocolate and set the “turkey leg” aside to dry. Let the Rice Krispies sit for about 30 minutes or until stable.

3. LEGO Rice Krispies Treats

You'll Need:

  • Rice Krispies cereal 
  • marshmallows
  • icing
  • food coloring
  • M&M's

Here's How:

3.1 Melt the marshmallows in the microwave, mix in the Rice Krispies, grease your hands with butter or oil, and form a rectangular-shaped block.

3.2 Cut the large block into equally-sized rectangles.

3.3 Color the icing as needed and ice the blocks with different colors.

3.4 Push 6 M&M's into the icing on each block and your LEGOs are ready.

4. Corn on the Cob Rice Krispies Treats

You'll Need:

  • Rice Krispies cereal 
  • marshmallows
  • yellow & green food coloring

Here's How:

4.1 Melt the marshmallows in the microwave, divide the melted mass between two equally-sized bowls, color one bowl yellow and the other bowl green., add Rice Krispies to each bowl, and mix well.

4.2 Grease your hands with butter or oil and form a corn cob shape from the yellow Rice Krispies.

4.3 Form a small ball out of the green Rice Krispies and stick it to the top of the yellow corn cob.

You've certainly never had a Rice Krispies treat that looked like this before. And while we love the original snack, these are going to be a lot more fun to eat!


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