7 Wonderful Ways To Upcycle Plastic Bottles

We all know better than to throw out old plastic bottles, but what you might not know is that your old bottles are worth way more than the change you get when you recycle them. Next time you find yourself with tons of plastic bottles on your hands, try one of these 7 fun upcycling projects instead of lugging them all the way to the grocery store. From a gorgeous flower vase to beautiful household decorations, you'd be surprised at just how useful your old plastic bottles can be. Turn your trash into treasure and transform recycling into a fun activity with these great DIY projects and craft ideas!

1. Stunning Floral Vase

You'll Need:

  • 2 plastic bottles
  • utility knife
  • scissors
  • hot glue gun
  • white & gold acrylic paint
  • powdered chalk
  • craft glue 
  • water
  • sandpaper

Here's How:

1.1 Use the utility knife to cut the first plastic bottle into 3 sections, then cut the mouth of the bottle off of the top section. Set the middle section of the bottle aside – you won't need it for this project.

1.2 Cut the top section off of the second plastic bottle and remove the mouth, then cut out a wavy pattern along the wider edge. Put the lower section of the bottle aside – you won't need it for this project either.

1.3 Use a hot glue gun to glue together the 3 sections of the plastic bottles being used for this project so that it makes the shape of a flower vase with a wide lip. Paint the vase with white acrylic paint.

1.4 Once the acrylic paint has dried, mix together some powdered chalk, craft glue, and water, then coat the vase with the mixture. Once the chalk mixture has dried, smooth out the surface of the vase with sandpaper.

1.5 Paint the vase a second time, this time with gold acrylic paint, and let it dry. Now you have a stunning new place to display fresh flowers!

2. Craft Supply Containers

You'll Need:

  • 2 plastic bottles
  • utility knife
  • hot glue gun
  • sewing zipper

Here's How:

2.1 Use a utility knife to cut the top ⅓ off of the first plastic bottle. Next, cut the entire top section of the second plastic bottle off, leaving only the base.

2.2 Use a hot glue gun to glue the sewing zipper onto the 2 sections of the plastic bottle that contain the base. The 2 bases should come together to make 1 container that can be opened and closed.

2.3 Fill up your new craft supply container with crayons, colored pencils, or other craft supplies.

3. Food Storage Containers

You'll Need:

  • 2 plastic bottles
  • utility knife

Here's How:

3.1 Use a utility knife to cut the top ⅓ off of the first plastic bottle, then cut the entire top section of the second plastic bottle off, leaving only the base.

3.2 Fill the larger base section with dry goods, then stick the second base on top so that it becomes a lid for the container. Now you can easily store cereal, oats, nuts, or other dry goods inside!

4. Fabulous Flower Pots

You'll Need:

  • 1 plastic bottle
  • utility knife
  • 1 old CD
  • hot glue gun
  • spray paint
  • potting soil

Here's How:

4.1 Use a utility knife to cut off the top section of the plastic bottle, then cut out a wavy pattern along the edge. Use a hot glue gun to glue the cap to an old CD.

4.2 Spray the entire thing with the spray paint color of your choice, fill up your new flower pot with potting soil, and plant your plants right inside!

5. Elegant Floral Decor

You'll Need:

  • 1 green plastic bottle
  • scissors
  • lighter
  • wire
  • pearl beads
  • hot glue gun

Here's How:

5.1 Cut several small flowers out of the green plastic bottle using scissors. Heat the ends of the pedals with a lighter so that they curl up slightly.

5.2 Heat the end of a piece of wire with the lighter and stick the end into the center of one of the flowers. Secure 1 small pearl bead in the center of the flower on the side opposite the wire using a hot glue gun.

5.3 Repeat this same process with all of the flowers you cut out and display your beautiful upcycled bouquet in your favorite vase. What an elegant decoration for your home!

6. Umbrella Holder For Your Car

You'll Need:

  • 1 plastic bottle
  • scissors
  • string or cord

Here's How:

6.1 Cut the base off of the plastic bottle and poke 2 holes in opposite sides of the plastic bottle near the edge you cut off.

6.2 Thread the piece of string or cord through the holes in the bottle and tie each end in a tight knot in the inside of the bottle so that the cord or string stays put. Hang your new umbrella holder on the back of one of the front seats of your car. The next time it rains, you'll have the perfect place to keep your umbrella that will prevent your car from getting all wet!

7. Plastic Bottle Terrarium

You'll Need:

  • 1 plastic bottle
  • utility knife
  • potting soil
  • succulent or cactus
  • small stones

Here's How:

7.1 Use the utility knife to cut the middle section out of the plastic bottle, then fill the bottom section with potting soil.

7.2 Plant a succulent or cactus in the base of the plastic bottle, then arrange some small stones around the plant. Place the top section of the bottle with the cap screwed on over your plant, and your mini terrarium is ready!

Isn't it amazing how much you can do with your old plastic bottles? Not only are these upcycling projects great for reducing waste, they're fun to make and will help you add a personal touch to your home. These bottles might technically be empty, but they're full of so much potential at the same time ! 

Get the instructions for the Ways To Reuse Plastic Bottles and Plastic Bottle Butterfly Crafts featured in the bonus video.


Also hefty