Our top survival tips for wild animal attacks

Very few people are aware that they can survive an encounter with the world’s most feared killers by following some simple rules. Here are the best methods for dealing with the top three predators people worry most about coming face-to-face with.


A grizzly bear is one of the scariest things you could come across while out hiking or camping. As most grizzlies attack defensively, you need to know what to do so you’re not seen as a threat. Slowly back away while speaking in a calm voice and avoiding eye contact. If you can’t get away, play dead by lying in the fetal position. But if the bear wants to attack, you’ll have to take much more drastic measures. If you need to fight back, aim for the grizzly’s eyes or nostrils. You should also carry bear spray with you, although this should only be used as a last resort.


While shark attacks are rare, it can be very tough to get away when a shark does show aggression toward you. To avoid attracting a shark’s curiosity, try to prevent blood from getting into the water. If you encounter a shark face-to-face, don't turn your back on it. Sharks tend to attack prey from their “blind side.” It’s important to stay calm and move away as slowly as you can. If you can’t escape, aim your strikes at the predator’s sensitive eyes and gills. Avoid punching the shark on the nose, as it’s not known to be a weak spot. 


Snakes are notorious killers that claim around 50,000 victims per year. If you happen to encounter one of these slippery creatures, it is recommended to leave it be as a snake bite can be lethal. Try to walk away slowly or keep a safe distance from the snake. Snakes’ inner ears are very sensitive to vibrations and they are more likely to flee if you make noises and stomp your feet as you walk. If case you're bitten, never try to suck out the venom, as this can cause it to spread more easily, and never apply a tourniquet because they tend to do more harm than good. Instead, you should do the following:

  • Restrict your movement
  • Seek medical attention
  • Gently clean the wound
  • Wrap the wound with compression bandages

Now you have the necessary survival tips for protecting yourself when it comes to wild animal attacks. Share this life-saving advice with your friends!


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